Global Learning XPrize

Have you heard of the Global Learning XPrize? Ever wonder what they do, who they are or why they even exist? What is the Global Learning XPrize? XPrize is an innovation engine, a driver of exponential change and a catalyst for the benefit of humanity. Their tagline is “Making the Impossible Possible”, and they provide a vision and the […]

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Tags: #marketing, education

Placeholders & Scrum

a finished art of a mathlong

We’re doing Scrum. It’s an agile method of shipping, or at least completing, ‘potentially-shippable’ products every two weeks. These mad 2-week cycles are called Sprints. As a Designer one of the issues that emerged during the first Sprint was finishing art assets well within the sprint, while giving the Web Developer, Game Developer and Marketeer […]

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Education & Computer Games

When we think about education and computer games – these two domains seem to be like oil and water and are never able to mix together. I guess it’s because most people believe that learning requires discipline, and computer games are just for entertainment. So, by common sense, to be disciplined in learning and being […]

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Alien Experiments

In the very early days of our little startup, there was a lot of housekeeping that needed to be done. We needed chairs to sit on and things to write on, and somewhere to put a possible PS4. But before the furniture could be sourced and the whiteboards installed, there was a more immediate need […]

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Tags: core values, creation, plushie

Challenge of Designing Educational Games

  “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” Isaac Newton Isaac Newton, one of the greatest Mathematicians and Scientists of all time, understood that reaching further, and pushing the limit of our science and understanding, can only be possible by leaning on other great people’s work and knowledge. […]

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Tags: edChat, edtech, education, educational, educational game, game design, gamebasedlearning, gamedesign, games, zapzapmath